Along the way she found Joseph Holliday, convinced him to come with her, married him, and gave birth to their daughter Amanda, hence Chaperone’s trait name. Nora and her crew spent decades on the road, trekking across continents in search of a destination many still didn’t believe existed, a whispered paradise of safety and rebuilding in an incredibly dangerous world - a City home to the mythical Guardians who used their Light to protect instead of hurt. * Jericho was a fortified city in the Book of Joshua whose mighty walls collapsed under the Israelites’ assault though modern archaeology has concluded the story’s a metaphor, it’s an ominous metaphor in the context of the Last City. Nora’s mother, and half of the other scavengers, didn’t believe in the City. When the Guardian went on his way, he gave Nora a map to the distant City and a shotgun. One day her scavenger crew’s bunker was attacked by an eliksni war party and defended by a Guardian they had never met. Born a Dark Age scavenger out in the wilds of Earth, Nora grew up in a time and place where the Last Safe City was little more than a rumor, a prayer, or just a bleak joke. Origin & Description: Chaperone is a City-made weapon from the Tex Mechanica foundry forged in honor of Nora Jericho*, mother of chief Tower ship & sparrow mechanic Amanda Holliday. Ornaments: Guardian Angel, The Panama Ravine, Ain’t My First Rodeo, The Queensguard Trait: The Roadborn - Precision kills briefly grant bonus handling, range, and precision damage with this weapon. Perk: Precision Slug - Fires a single-slug precision round. Kept us alive out there before we got to the City.” –Amanda Holliday
#The chaperone destiny 2 how to#
Going back in time for new players, we can offer you guides like Ikelos Weapons - How to Get SMG, Sniper Rifle, Shotgun, or, if you're playing Forsaken content, guides like Corsair Down & Badge - Dead Body Locations.“My mother had a shotgun we called the Chaperone.

If it's Exotic Weapons that you're after, we've got you covered with our Pain And Gain Exotic Quest and Deathbringer Exotic Rocket Launcher - Symphony of Death guides. If you need further help with Destiny 2 Shadowkeep, check out our guides on Dead Ghost Locations, Jade Rabbit Locations, and Eyes on the Moon - How to Start Vex Invasion. Scoring precision kills with it will briefly increase your handling, range and precision hit damage. It’s an odd thing, a shotgun that shoots precision shots at long range. Finally, you’ll have to talk to Amanda again, and she’ll give you the Chaperone. In other words, any time you kill another player in Gambit, it will count towards the total. This includes both kills as an invader, and murdering other invaders. The last step requires you to get 15 guardian kills in Gambit. You won’t be limited to using shotguns this time. You’ll have to defeat a certain number of opponents in Crucible using void, arc and solar damage – 30-40 each. The next step will be a bit more difficult. Talk to Amanda Holliday, and she’ll send you to get 20 shotgun kills in the Crucible.
#The chaperone destiny 2 series#
Once you’ve got the quest, you’ll have to complete a series of tasks before you get the shotgun.