He once lowered his voice when talking to Gwen on the phone, even though he had two Forever Knights at his ferocious mercy, and mildly called her unempathetic response "harsh". Over time, Ben has gained slight control of himself as Rath. Similarly, he denied needing enhancements from Skurd against Exo-Skull. Rath has a lot of pride in his capabilities and himself, expressing bluntness or anger instead of gratitude when Gwen and Rook saved him on several occasions. and Cash upon learning they were taking credit for his heroics. Ben even agreed with Gwen that Rath would have gone on rampage after J.T. He also once outright admitted he had intended to hit Rojo in the head during a train robbery. Rath also does not make empty threats, as shown after saving the Tiffin and threatening to mutilate Jarett with rearrangement of his organs into a sweater if he started a war with the Lewodans, his low snarls hinted he meant it. Rath is very fearless to the point of recklessness, as he didn't hesitate to literally jump down Jarett's throat to rescue the Tiffin or about firing the Vreedle Brothers out into space after they blasted him and his tray of food.
#The raft 1.05 mod full
When Rath is angry at someone or something, he usually yells a sentence starting with, "Let me tell ya something" followed by the full name of the person, calling Kevin by this, or their position, labeling Khyber as "self-proclaimed greatest huntsman in the galaxy". Rath's confrontational attitude often gets him and his teammates into trouble, such as when Kevin tried to reach an agreement with Vulkanus, the negotiation downgrades into a brawl when Rath provokes the latter by mocking his consecutive defeats by them and calling him "baby man". He even shouts at inanimate objects, like a hole he made in the ground, a stolen spaceship, gravity, water, fire, the Omnitrix and Ultimatrix for their malfunctions, the Proto-Tool's laser pointer, a giant ball of yarn, and a paper bag on his head, arguments of which were ridiculous and that occasionally lead him to harm both himself and others. Rath's muscle-over-brains mindset makes him needlessly argue with everyone around him. He is self-aware that they do not make sense, admitting this to Manny before they fight, but still continues to use them anyway. Sometimes, when he becomes extremely angry, he mixes up metaphors (such as "a man's food is his castle" or " you just bit off an eye that's bigger than your stomach can chew"). Rath almost always speaks in third person.
#The raft 1.05 mod professional
Rath's personality resembles that of a comic book vigilante and a stereotypical professional wrestler. He is also slightly thinner than Ben Prime's Rath. The Omnitrix symbol is on a black panel on his chest and is colored orange. He also has Mad Ben's Mad Max style silver plates with orange spikes on his shoulders, lower arms, and calves. Mad Ben's Rath has darker fur, orange eyes, and a hairstyle like his human form. He wears black shorts, red gloves and boots, a red belt with the Ultimatrix symbol on it. However, he lacks the mask and the tank top. In Malgax Attacks, Negative Rath has clothing similar to the one Ben Prime's Rath gains in The Secret of Dos Santos. In concept art, Negative Rath is naked yet wears a red Ultimatrix on his chest.
#The raft 1.05 mod skin
In Omniverse, Negative Rath looks mostly the same as Ben Prime's Rath except his fur is recolored white, his stripes and skin are recolored dark pink, and his eyes are recolored red.

In Ultimate Alien, Negative Rath lacked an Ultimatrix symbol.

In Alien Force, Negative Rath looked exactly like Ben's Rath but had red eyes and a red Ultimatrix symbol. Rath's claws are now greyish-silver instead of black, and the Omnitrix is now on his luchador belt. Rath's luchador outfit has a green and black color scheme, consisting of black boots, black gloves, and a luchador mask. In The Secret of Dos Santos, Skurd fixes the Omnitrix error that made Rath naked by giving him an outfit similar to that of a luchador (a Mexican masked wrestler). In Omniverse, Rath looked similar to his Alien Force and Ultimate Alien appearance, but was more muscular, with longer and more pointed eyebrows which were completely black (except in his first reappearance). In Heroes United, fur stuck out of Rath's arms, legs, chin, and head, and his muscles had protruding veins when using his strength. Both Gwen and Azmuth take these appearance cues as Rath. The original Omnitrix/ Ultimatrix is located in the center of his chest. He is also muscular and has green eyes and black stripes on his shoulders, head, legs, and upper body as well as a white jaw, neck, chest, stomach, hands, and feet. He resembles an orange and white bipedal tiger with one black claw coming out of each wrist and no tail. 7.1 Ben 10 Ultimate Alien: Cosmic Destruction.